
spoken word artist


electronics and keyboards



30 min


Commissioned by

Kunst Fondspodium Netherland

Letter Fonds Netherland




Sjaan Flikweert

Jan Willem Troots

Kasia Głowicka

Technical notes

On request

Composer Kasia Glowicka (Glouu) invites Dutch spoken word artist Sjaan Flikweert and cellist Jan Willem Troost for an evening of spoken word, poetry, and music. “9 Sprouts” (9 Kiemen) is a meditation on future literacy—the gifts we leave for those yet to come: love, presence, memory, and reflection. Through the delicate interplay of poetry and sound, the performance reflects on the moments we sow today that will grow into the legacies of tomorrow. With evocative spoken word and expressive cello, “9 Sprouts” explores how we navigate the fragility of time and the enduring hope we plant for future generations. 

“9 Kiemen” – A Journey Through Time and Love
What future will we shape? What gifts can we offer to generations yet unborn? These questions pulse through “5 Kiemen.” Last Monday at ARTEksounds sudios, together with Sjaan Adriana Maria Flikweert and Jan Willem Troost I explored those topics and feelings that come with those questins. It was intimate, it was raw, and personal – great beginning of a new project.
This journey through our memories, love, and our collective future is just a start.
I give you a taste of the wonderful text by Sjaan:
“We herdenken de handjes
Van de nog ongeborenen
Die, voor ons allen, op een dag rouw uit gezichten zullen strijken Zacht, Woorden grabbelen uit talen
die in de ouders voortleven –
een wereldgeschiedenis in een tongval”
“We remember the little hands
Of the yet unborn
Who, one day, will gently smooth grief from faces for all of us,
Softly gathering words from languages
That live on in their parents –
A world history in an accent”

With thanks to Ola Renska for the photos.

More to come. Stay close.

#5Kiemen #FutureLiteracy #OlaRenska

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